Sassenach - Keep us posted re side effects with Bosulif. I'll be happily surprised if there's no brain fog or fatigue. I also go to a specialist at Hopkins and he wants to switch me to Bosulif after a couple of pleural effusions on Sprycel. However, I found some case studies that show that Bosulif can bring on more pleural effusions, so . . . Before I ever switched, I'd have to hear from a whole bunch more people on here that their side effects are vastly improved on Bosulif. I was very, very sick on Gleevec and it tap-danced on my kidneys and gave me toad-eyes; on Sprycel my PCR zoomed downwards and I had no edema or nausea, but I got pleural effusions and fatigue is still a problem. My onc says fatigue comes with ALL the TKI's. Anyway, if Bosulif truly is the miracle TKI for you, I sure would love to hear about it! Good luck.
You must be seeing Dr. Smith too, yes? Small world! I'm the only CMLer that my local prescribing onc has at the moment, and he's one of 2 oncs in my rural county, so it always seems like others of us are far, far away....
I too was concerned about pleural effusion with Sprycel, so many people end up with some level of it. I'm sorry those did you wrong. :-( And diabetes runs in my family, so I wasn't thrilled about the chances on Tasigna. I'm lucky not to have some of the renal side effects of Gleevec, but the effort it takes to find words and finish sentences is worth it to me to try something else since my numbers aren't where I want them to be. Lost my friend of many years last week to signet ring cell carcinoma--I want to beat this thing back to where I can feel comfortable trying cessation in future. Fingers crossed! I am hoping to have good news for you after the first couple weeks, kat--will send you a followup.
I do best with taking Gleevec at night and sleeping off the worst of the nausea and diarrhea, so I'm encouraged to hear that taking it at night is working for you, xxgirl. Stocking up on Maxalon, Pepto Bismol, etc., thanks! It's always an adventure, isn't it....
DX March 2015, WBC 25,000, FISH 95%, PCR 19.181
Started Gleevec 400mg May 2015
August 2015--FISH 9%, PCR 0.672
November 2015--CCyR, PCR 0.171
February 2016--PCR 6.830 (let it be a warning not to take a supplement with tyrosine in it)
May 2016--PCR 0.115
September 2016-PCR 0.402
December 2016--PCR 0.256
March 2017--PCR 0.152
April 2017--switch to Bosulif
August 2017--PCR 0.109
November 2017--PCR 0.278