Melanie - so glad to hear that you have been doing well on bosulif. Are you still on the experimental drug for low platelets? (I believe that you considered stopping at one point?) Has it been working to improve your counts at all? My platelets haven't been over 52 for over a year, but I don't have problematic symptoms (just bruising easily - which could be somewhat remedied if I'd stop bumping into everything in my path), so my drs have not chosen to treat my thrombocytopenia.
The deletion and insertion that I have each on their own *should not* have a significant impact on a TKI's ability to work, but perhaps combined, they do present more of a challenge to overcome.
I do take comfort from knowing that I do still have drug options, but I can't pretend that I'm not disappointed in my response (or lack thereof) thus far. However, I have only been on iclusig for 3 months, so I continue to hope that it will, with time, produce better results.
R06ue1 - thank you for the encouragement; I hope that ABL001 studies open up in Southern California soon, but as there are already two located in the west (Texas and Oregon), I may be asking for too much on that one.
And Trey - I kinda figured that there wasn't an answer to my question...just hoping that you knew of some obscure study that found that levels above CCyr could be good enough. Although, in reality I do know that everyone is different, and that what works well for some may not yield the same results for others, so even if there were such a thing, chances are slim that it would be relevant to my own particular situation. Searching for breadcrumbs, I suppose.
Thanks, regardless, for taking the time to answer my question to the best of your ability.