FG - My doc was about the same with how he told me. So, Ill share.
I felt the enlarged spleen, actually it had caused pleursy - very insanely painful pleursy - and one Saturday morning I went into the clinic to get it checked out... but it was because I could feel my spleen (didnt know it was my spleen at the time) that I went in.
Anyway, the PA on duty checked me out and took a blood sample. She said it was probably a blockage of some sort and I went home. She called me a while later, told me that my WBC was very high and another doctor would be calling me. A while later an Onc called me...
He said my WBC was 330,000 (or there abouts, Ive tried to forget it) but he didnt think it was Acute Leukimia.. he said a couple more times that I didnt have "Actue Leukimia" but that I had something called CML - he said that a couple more times and I actually had to ask him if CML was a form of leukimia. Many dry heaves and tears that night. Lots of Googling. Lots of thoughts of not seeing my kids grow up (18, 16, 12) to be married or have grandkids. No retirement. Just death.
And I still fight that today - that I'm gonna be the unlucky one that none of the meds work for and who wont find a donor or will die during transplant. That, of course, is my chronic depression and a life long curation of cyicism speaking - NOT the reality.
The reality is that I will not die anytime soon (from CML). I will probably live a close to normal life span (I'm 46... hope to make 70+). Maybe Ill actually get CURED at some point. But that doesnt stop me from being burdened by a constant baragement of doubt, fear, and angst. I just gotta work through it. I just gotta keep taking the pills. Come what may, just keep taking the fuckin pills.