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Male fertility issues on Sprycel

sprycel low sperm count fertility

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#1 Daisy1985


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Posted 24 November 2017 - 02:33 PM

Hello everybody,

      I ve been on this forum since 2011, when my husband Tom was diagnosed with cml and I dont have words to express how much you guys helped us through those uncertain moments. 

      In the meantime things have been great, Tom is still on Sprycel, still MMR, having a normal life and we are so greatfull for that.

     So here we are, both in our 30s and with this strong desire to start a family. Tom s specialist gave us green light, he said Sprycel should not be in the way for a man to father a child. One year and a half later, we havent got pregnant so we both went to get checked.

     My results were all fine, but Tom s sperm was far from good. His sperm count is only 300 000/ml while the normal should be above 20 million, also the motility was very low, about 4%.

      Now, he is having quite a balanced lifestyle, no smoking, very few drinking, regular exercise, so we can only think that Sprycel could be the blame, or perhaps the 3 weeks Hydroxyurea in 2011? 

     Our appointment with the fertility specialist is only in a month, and I m wondering if any of you here have been through a similar situation or have any clue if there could be a connection between Sprycel and low male fertility? Are there any men that fathered healthy babies while on TKIs?

     Thanks a lot!




#2 thatguy


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Posted 24 November 2017 - 05:34 PM

I've got a 14 mo. old, healthy, busy little boy who was conceived on Gleevec.

Interestingly, we had trouble initially conceiving his older sister, (about 2 years prior to my diagnosis) and we had to see a specialist. I had my counts come back as very high, but motility was low...I wondered if that was due to smoldering CML.

Miraculously the boy came along completely naturally, right before I transitioned to Tasigna, for which I was told that there is little published info available for the other tki's.

Best Luck!
3/25/2015- Dx'ed by FISH : 85% of cells dual-fusion signals, 7% with tri-fusion signals, WBC 212,000. Started Gleevec 400mg.... Calculated .93 SOKAL

08/17/2015- 14.793 % I.S P210 (quest)
10/15/2015- 3.313 % I.S (quest)
12/23/2015- 1.891 % I.S (quest)
1/07/2016- Tasigna 300mg 2x daily
1/14/2016- 4.414 % I.S P210- City Of Hope lab, mutation negative.
1/26/2016- 1.589 % I.S (quest)
2/22/2016- 1.719 % I.S (quest)
2/29/2016- 1.133 % I.S (quest)
3/03/2016- Tasigna 400mg 2x daily.
3/29/2016- 0.663 % I.S (quest)
4/27/2016- 0.781 % I.S (quest)
5/04/2016- 0.652 % I.S.(quest)
5/24/2016- 0.501 % I.S (quest)
6/28/2016-0.534 % I.S (quest)
7/15/2016-0.881 % I.S (quest)
7/22/2016- Bosulif 500mg
7/28/2016- t315i test- Negative
8/22/2016-0.432 % I.S (quest )
11/15/2016-0.325 % I.S (quest)
2/1/2017- .0445% i.s (genoptix)
5/6/2017- .0968% i.s (genoptix)
5/12/2017- .12 % i.s (quest).
6/4/2017- .083% i.s (quest)
6/11/2017- .0295% i.s (genoptix)
8/5/2017- .0501% i.s (genoptix)
11/6/2017- .0270% i.s (genoptix)

#3 scuba


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Posted 24 November 2017 - 05:42 PM

Sprycel could affect male fertility.




Consider lifestyle issues and nutrition to try and couter balance the effect and hopefully this can help.




In particular, Zinc, Selenium and vitamin D (taken as vitaminD3) are vital for both sperm production and healthy motility.


Your husband could lower his Sprycel dose (20 mg) and try and conceive during this time. Chances of PCR increase beyond MMR are likely to be low. Chances are also good that 20mg may be sufficient to keep him below MMR.

Diagnosed 11 May 2011 (100% FiSH, 155% PCR)

with b2a2 BCR-ABL fusion transcript coding for the 210kDa BCR-ABL protein


Sprycel: 20 mg per day - taken at lights out with Quercetin and/or Magnesium Taurate

6-8 grams Curcumin C3 complex.


2015 PCR: < 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)

2016 PCR: < 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale) 

March        2017 PCR:     0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)

June          2017 PCR:     "undetected"

September 2017 PCR:     "undetected"

#4 Daisy1985


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Posted 25 November 2017 - 10:56 AM

Thats great, thatguy, I m happy it worked out for you!


Scuba, thanks a lot for that research, its great information. I might show it to the doctor next time.

So I see that Sprycel is the least harming for fertility, and the difference before/after is not that big. However, this is a 4 month test, I wonder if the numbers continue to drop afterwards, and what would those values look like in say 4 years?

#5 Rice



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Posted 03 December 2017 - 02:34 AM

Found out we were expecting #4 and wife is about 10 weeks. Been on Sprycel since 2015. Worried, considering the lack of data and all my Oncs saying I shouldn't/couldn't conceive. We'll be testing earlier and keeping a closer eye on this pregnancy since it will definitely be our last. I'm encouraged by those out there that were able to have healthy babies and I wish you the best in trying. I know that doesn't answer your question, but I was compelled to chime in.

Diagnosed: May 15, 2015 (383k WBC - Chronic Phase)
Treatment: Sprycel 100mg (May 29, 2015 - Present)
CHR: June 2015
CCyR: October 2015
MMR: April 2016

10/20/15 - 0.83% (MD Anderson Cancer Center)
1/20/16 - 0.13% (Seattle Cancer Care alliance)
4/18/16 - 0.04% (SCCA) Drug break 4/15-4/21 for surgery
7/13/16 - <0.01% (SCCA)

#6 Daisy1985


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Posted 07 December 2017 - 05:28 AM


congratulation, that is very good news!

Were your other children also conceived while on sprycel? If yes, I assume that everything s allright. There are lots of succesfull stories and I m staying optimistic about it. 

I wish you guys a healthy pregnancy and a healthy little baby :)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: sprycel, low sperm count, fertility

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