Anyone on Sprycel experience being out of breath without a pleural effusion or PAH?
My husband (73) is in xlnt shape and, after 15 months on 70 mg sprycel (undetectable), has now started getting out of breath with exertion. It goes away with continued exercise.
Pulmonologist and cardiologist have ruled out PE or PAH. Stated Echocardiogram is conclusive that no PAH. He also aced exercise stress test and has no problems with 45 minutes on elyptical.
Specific Questions:
1) anyone experience this being out of breath at onset of exercise and did it go away with lower dosage of sprycel? He is talking to oncologist about lowering dose or perhaps changing to Gleevec.
2) Pulmonologist suspects "exercise induced asthma." Others have this?
2) Anyone with PAH: what dosage were you on at diagnosis? This side effect scares me so much -- trying to figure out if at lower dose the chances of getting PAH are significantly reduced.
Many thanks.