Posted 31 May 2017 - 05:28 PM
When I first started reading about this Supreme Court decision I had hopes this would have far reaching effects by allowing US citizens to purchase cheaper drugs from overseas, it appears that this will merely turn the argument into "contract" law vs. "patent" law according to the article link below.
It appears this will have far reaching affects in many areas, however. Very interesting reading.
"You can't change the direction of the wind but you can adjust your sails."
DX 12/08; Gleevec 400mg; liver toxicity; Sprycel 100mg.; CCyR 4/10; MMR 8/10; Pleural Effusion 2/12; Sprycel 50mg. Maintaining MMR; 2/15 PCRU; 8/16 drifting in and out of undetected like a wave meeting the shore. Retired 12/23/2016! 18 months of PCRU, most recent at Mayo on 7/25/17 was negative at their new sensitivity reporting of 0.003.<p>