So after reaching the big .00 last check up went in today and it shows .11....hmmmm big jump especially after reaching 0. So gonna do another blood test in 30 days to just se if it was a fluke or if I am creeping back up before we change meds.........

Did not like todays doctor appt
Posted 30 August 2016 - 10:32 PM
Posted 30 August 2016 - 11:11 PM
That is a big jump, what was your result prior to 0.00?
Posted 31 August 2016 - 09:27 AM
I often say that we should not trust single PCR test results, especially if it is zero. This is against human nature, but it avoids disappointment. Since your PCR prior to the zero was .06% you should wait and see what the next PCR shows to have a better trend line. You are just over 1 year since diagnosis so you are doing well.
Posted 31 August 2016 - 09:43 PM
Yeah Yeah ..I know lol lol...kinda figured that was just too easy.....It went .06 to we don't know what it was since lab messed up...then to .00 to now .11..... Thanks Trey.....
Posted 01 September 2016 - 08:10 AM
HI, as time goes on you will still have blimps at least I surely have. It's been 6 years now and I finally had reached MMR last 2 PCR test. The last one I just got back is now .137 I think it was. And the one before it was .027 or something so now I've lost MMR, seems it just may not be in the cards for me. I stay close to it. But we have to look at it as blimps not our numbers going up. At least I'm trying to look at it that way after all this time! Mine has never been steady .
Hope it was just a lab blimp for you !
Take care Cathy
DX 5-2010 Started normal hydra then Gleevec for 9 months stopped working
Tasigna after 5 pills pancreatis numbers jumped up quickly
Started Sprycel 100, 8-2010 for a 3 years went down to 50 mg numbers at one point really jumped up quickly
currently on 70 mg for last 2-3 years trying to get onc to reduce dose Numbers never stabilize never MMR till 4-2017 bearly and jump up and down in and out of MMR stayed MMR for 3 months then
After 6 years on sprycel fluid on both lungs, drained still have some fluid on lungs, and currently off drug 4 months now
numbers lower then ever go figure I've never been this low of a number
last 2 tests .0686 and .0181 !!
Posted 07 September 2016 - 09:57 AM
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