Vitamin D continues to emerge in more clinical studies as a strong anti-cancer agent - or more importantly, low vitamin D status puts one at higher risk for cancer.
Higher levels of vitamin D correspond to lower cancer risk
Could Vitamin D Reduce Cancer Risk?
Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Advanced Cancers
How Vitamin D Reduces Incidence of Cancer: DINOMIT Model
The Vitamin D Receptor and T Cell Function
Vitamin D and the Immune System
(Most Everyone Can Use More Vitamin D) chart citation
What is key here is that serum blood levels of vitamin D greater than 48 ng/ml had a 67% lower risk of invasive cancer. I maintain my vitamin D level between 70-80 (last test was 76 ng/ml).
Vitamin D helps immature cells (especially cancer cells) to differentiate. It also helps clumping cells to stay clumped and not metastasize.
In Leukemia, cancer blast cells are what kills - so called blast crisis. It has been shown that vitamin D cause blast cells - even leukemic ones - to differentiate and leave the blast phase.
In my own case, I always had blast cells (bone marrow) - and at diagnosis, they were high enough in number that I was borderline accelerated phase. Early treatment reduced my FISH count, but my blasts remained high (albeit dropping) and fell slowly to what was considered "normal range", but never zero (which is ideal). Once I elevated my vitamin D level to above 60 ng/ml - blast cells disappeared completely. At every test since 2014 (bone marrow and peripheral) I have had no blast cells reported. Coincidence?
DISCLAIMER: vitamin D is not a cure for cancer any more than anything else is a cure. It is just tool that when added to better overall nutrition will increase our odds of cancer survival. The take away from this research is that you should get and keep your vitamin D level above 50 (but stay below 100) and increase your odds of cancer free living (including leukemia). To keep my vitamin D level where it is, I take 5,000 IU's of vitamin D3 (which converts to vitamin D in the body) daily with lunch that has some fat in it. In the winter, I take 10,000 IU's every other day as lack of sun prevents normal vitamin D synthesis..
Edited by scuba, 09 April 2016 - 03:21 PM.