Loss of PCRU after years
Posted 07 April 2016 - 12:57 PM
Posted 07 April 2016 - 01:29 PM
Hi everyone! Dx in early 2009. PCRU after 6 months. Been there until most recent test which was 0.032. Anyone else been PCRU for years to have it pop up again? Not sure what to think. Follow up test in 3 months. Thanks, best to you all!!
Stephen Klaus, are you still on a TKI?
those that have stopped taking TKI's often experience loss of PCRU, without losing MMR
i.e. ... STIM2 http://bit.ly/1IbwZuh 2011
For the benefit of yourself and others please add your CML history into your Signature
02/2010 Gleevec 400mg
2011 Two weakly positives, PCRU, weakly positive
2013 PCRU, PCRU, PCRU, weakly positive
2014 PCRU, PCRU, PCRU, PCRU (12/07 began dose reduction w/each continuing PCRU)
2015 300, 250, 200, 150
2016 100, 50/100, 100, 10/17 TFR
2017 01/17 TFR, 04/18 TFR, 07/18 TFR 0.0012, 08/29 TFR 0.001, 10/17 TFR 0.000
2018 01/16 TFR 0.0004 ... next quarterly PCR 04/17
At the earliest opportunity, and whenever possible, lower your TKI dosage; TKIs are toxic drugs and the less we take longterm the better off we are going to be ... this is especially true for older adults.
In hindsight I should have started my dosage reduction two years earlier; it might have helped minimize some of the longterm cumulative toxic effects of TKIs that I am beset with.
longterm side-effects Peripheral Artery Disease - legs (it's a bitch); continuing shoulder problems, right elbow inflammation. GFR and creatinine vastly improved after stopping Gleevec.
Cumulative Gleevec dosage estimated at 830 grams
Taking Gleevec 400mg an hour after my largest meal of the day helped eliminate the nausea that Gleevec is notorious for.
Trey's CML Blog - Stopping - The Odds - Stop Studies - Discussion Forum Cessation Study
Big PhRMA - Medicare Status - Social Security Status - Deficit/Debt
Posted 07 April 2016 - 01:40 PM
Posted 07 April 2016 - 02:31 PM
Hi everyone! Dx in early 2009. PCRU after 6 months. Been there until most recent test which was 0.032. Anyone else been PCRU for years to have it pop up again? Not sure what to think. Follow up test in 3 months. Thanks, best to you all!!
Being PCRU for such a long time on 400mg Gleevec and then to see a significant jump could mean either you are losing response (new CML clone has emerged*) or the test is not correct (they mixed your sample with someone else's). I think the latter is more likely.
Consider having re-test taken now (not in three months) in order to verify the latest test. There is a good chance the new test will come back as PCRU and the current test is erroneous. If the new test confirms loss of PCRU, consider switching drugs to a low dose alternative.
But I do believe this is a testing snafu and not something more serious.
Diagnosed 11 May 2011 (100% FiSH, 155% PCR)
with b2a2 BCR-ABL fusion transcript coding for the 210kDa BCR-ABL protein
Sprycel: 20 mg per day - taken at lights out with Quercetin and/or Magnesium Taurate
6-8 grams Curcumin C3 complex.
2015 PCR: < 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)
2016 PCR: < 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)
March 2017 PCR: 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)
June 2017 PCR: "undetected"
September 2017 PCR: "undetected"
Posted 07 April 2016 - 03:10 PM
Hi everyone! Dx in early 2009. PCRU after 6 months. Been there until most recent test which was 0.032. Anyone else been PCRU for years to have it pop up again? Not sure what to think. Follow up test in 3 months. Thanks, best to you all!!
I wonder if eosinophils and basophils are somewhat related to the bar abl. I noticed when bcr abl are undetectable, both eosinophils and basophils are zero. When bcr abl is slightly positive, eosinophils and basophils are not zero still within normal range though. Not sure it is just an isolated case.
Has anyone noticed this?
Posted 07 April 2016 - 03:27 PM
I just reached PCRU today. Yeah Me!
My numbers were:
Absolute Eosinophils 0.20 10*3/uL (After MMR my Eosinophils have always been between 0.10 and 0.30)
10/01/2014 100% Diagnosis (WBC 278k, Blasts 6%, Spleen extended 20cm)
Cancer Sucks!
Posted 07 April 2016 - 03:28 PM
I just reached PCRU today. Yeah Me!
My numbers were:
Absolute Eosinophils 0.20 10*3/uL (After MMR my Eosinophils have always been between 0.10 and 0.30)
Absolute Basophils 0.10 10*3/uL (After MMR my Basophils have always been between 0.00 and 0.10)
Yeah you!!
Diagnosed 11 May 2011 (100% FiSH, 155% PCR)
with b2a2 BCR-ABL fusion transcript coding for the 210kDa BCR-ABL protein
Sprycel: 20 mg per day - taken at lights out with Quercetin and/or Magnesium Taurate
6-8 grams Curcumin C3 complex.
2015 PCR: < 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)
2016 PCR: < 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)
March 2017 PCR: 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)
June 2017 PCR: "undetected"
September 2017 PCR: "undetected"
Posted 07 April 2016 - 04:44 PM
I just reached PCRU today. Yeah Me!
My numbers were:
Absolute Eosinophils 0.20 10*3/uL (After MMR my Eosinophils have always been between 0.10 and 0.30)
Absolute Basophils 0.10 10*3/uL (After MMR my Basophils have always been between 0.00 and 0.10)
Congratulations on your PCRU rcase13!!
For the benefit of yourself and others please add your CML history into your Signature
02/2010 Gleevec 400mg
2011 Two weakly positives, PCRU, weakly positive
2013 PCRU, PCRU, PCRU, weakly positive
2014 PCRU, PCRU, PCRU, PCRU (12/07 began dose reduction w/each continuing PCRU)
2015 300, 250, 200, 150
2016 100, 50/100, 100, 10/17 TFR
2017 01/17 TFR, 04/18 TFR, 07/18 TFR 0.0012, 08/29 TFR 0.001, 10/17 TFR 0.000
2018 01/16 TFR 0.0004 ... next quarterly PCR 04/17
At the earliest opportunity, and whenever possible, lower your TKI dosage; TKIs are toxic drugs and the less we take longterm the better off we are going to be ... this is especially true for older adults.
In hindsight I should have started my dosage reduction two years earlier; it might have helped minimize some of the longterm cumulative toxic effects of TKIs that I am beset with.
longterm side-effects Peripheral Artery Disease - legs (it's a bitch); continuing shoulder problems, right elbow inflammation. GFR and creatinine vastly improved after stopping Gleevec.
Cumulative Gleevec dosage estimated at 830 grams
Taking Gleevec 400mg an hour after my largest meal of the day helped eliminate the nausea that Gleevec is notorious for.
Trey's CML Blog - Stopping - The Odds - Stop Studies - Discussion Forum Cessation Study
Big PhRMA - Medicare Status - Social Security Status - Deficit/Debt
Posted 07 April 2016 - 04:55 PM
Posted 07 April 2016 - 05:00 PM
Posted 07 April 2016 - 05:28 PM
I just reached PCRU today. Yeah Me!
My numbers were:
Absolute Eosinophils 0.20 10*3/uL (After MMR my Eosinophils have always been between 0.10 and 0.30)
Absolute Basophils 0.10 10*3/uL (After MMR my Basophils have always been between 0.00 and 0.10)
Congrats to you! Happy dance!
CyCR - Aug 2014, Positive for 1 chromosome Sep 2015. PCR: 12.77 in Oct, 2012 to 0.04 (MDA) in Mar, 2016. 4/2016 - 0.126 (Local lab (IS); 05/2016 - 0.195 (local); 6/2016 - 0.07 (MDA); 7/2016 - 0.03 (local) 9/13/2016 - 0.16 (MDA); 9/26/2016 - 0.31 (MDA); 11/2016 - 0.012 (local); 01/2017 - 0.24 (MDA); 04/2017 - 0.09 (MDA); Cytogenetics show der(1:7)(q10;p10)7 chromosome mutation. Repeat of Sep 2015. PCR - 6/2017- 0.035 (local); 10/2017- 0.02 (MDA)
Posted 07 April 2016 - 07:51 PM
Posted 07 April 2016 - 07:57 PM
Posted 07 April 2016 - 08:21 PM
Thank rcase for check your numbers. Congratulations! By the way, is PCRU equal a 0.001% or 0.0001%. I am confused.
PCRU is undetectable: nada, nothing, zero, zilch, nil
For the benefit of yourself and others please add your CML history into your Signature
02/2010 Gleevec 400mg
2011 Two weakly positives, PCRU, weakly positive
2013 PCRU, PCRU, PCRU, weakly positive
2014 PCRU, PCRU, PCRU, PCRU (12/07 began dose reduction w/each continuing PCRU)
2015 300, 250, 200, 150
2016 100, 50/100, 100, 10/17 TFR
2017 01/17 TFR, 04/18 TFR, 07/18 TFR 0.0012, 08/29 TFR 0.001, 10/17 TFR 0.000
2018 01/16 TFR 0.0004 ... next quarterly PCR 04/17
At the earliest opportunity, and whenever possible, lower your TKI dosage; TKIs are toxic drugs and the less we take longterm the better off we are going to be ... this is especially true for older adults.
In hindsight I should have started my dosage reduction two years earlier; it might have helped minimize some of the longterm cumulative toxic effects of TKIs that I am beset with.
longterm side-effects Peripheral Artery Disease - legs (it's a bitch); continuing shoulder problems, right elbow inflammation. GFR and creatinine vastly improved after stopping Gleevec.
Cumulative Gleevec dosage estimated at 830 grams
Taking Gleevec 400mg an hour after my largest meal of the day helped eliminate the nausea that Gleevec is notorious for.
Trey's CML Blog - Stopping - The Odds - Stop Studies - Discussion Forum Cessation Study
Big PhRMA - Medicare Status - Social Security Status - Deficit/Debt
Posted 07 April 2016 - 09:09 PM
Hi everyone! Dx in early 2009. PCRU after 6 months. Been there until most recent test which was 0.032. Anyone else been PCRU for years to have it pop up again? Not sure what to think. Follow up test in 3 months. Thanks, best to you all!!
Still very low so not nearly a loss of response issue. Could be a lab issue. Retest and see what happens.
Posted 07 April 2016 - 09:19 PM
Posted 07 April 2016 - 09:50 PM
While I have not been pcru consistently as long as you I have had runs of pcru only to have it pop up. My last run was 18 months and then it just jumped up to where you.
Posted 07 April 2016 - 09:59 PM
Thank rcase for check your numbers. Congratulations! By the way, is PCRU equal a 0.001% or 0.0001%. I am confused.
I am not really sure. He said 400,000 transcripts and no bcr-abl found. All I heard was undetectable and I shut off after that.
After 7 years PCRU I would think that would be cured. How does a stem cell sit there silent for 7 years and then just wake up. I will never understand this disease? Hopefully the Gleevec will do it's job and get you back to PCRU quickly. So you can get back to living without thinking about CML.
10/01/2014 100% Diagnosis (WBC 278k, Blasts 6%, Spleen extended 20cm)
Cancer Sucks!
Posted 08 April 2016 - 02:30 AM
I heard an oncologist say patients who do not reach PCRU but slightly positive could stop TKI as well. I was surprised to hear that. Has anyone heard or read anything regarding that?
missjoy, ideally all labs would test and report PCR BCR-ABL to MR5 I.S. .001; it then would require a two log increase to lose MMR ( defined as relapse);
if you had a very low PCR reading for a long enough time, the odds of successfully stopping TKI could be in your favor.
Scuba has tried it, beginning with an MD Anderson PCR reading of .01, which they allege to be equivalent to I.S. .003
(MD Anderson has their own scale)
For the benefit of yourself and others please add your CML history into your Signature
02/2010 Gleevec 400mg
2011 Two weakly positives, PCRU, weakly positive
2013 PCRU, PCRU, PCRU, weakly positive
2014 PCRU, PCRU, PCRU, PCRU (12/07 began dose reduction w/each continuing PCRU)
2015 300, 250, 200, 150
2016 100, 50/100, 100, 10/17 TFR
2017 01/17 TFR, 04/18 TFR, 07/18 TFR 0.0012, 08/29 TFR 0.001, 10/17 TFR 0.000
2018 01/16 TFR 0.0004 ... next quarterly PCR 04/17
At the earliest opportunity, and whenever possible, lower your TKI dosage; TKIs are toxic drugs and the less we take longterm the better off we are going to be ... this is especially true for older adults.
In hindsight I should have started my dosage reduction two years earlier; it might have helped minimize some of the longterm cumulative toxic effects of TKIs that I am beset with.
longterm side-effects Peripheral Artery Disease - legs (it's a bitch); continuing shoulder problems, right elbow inflammation. GFR and creatinine vastly improved after stopping Gleevec.
Cumulative Gleevec dosage estimated at 830 grams
Taking Gleevec 400mg an hour after my largest meal of the day helped eliminate the nausea that Gleevec is notorious for.
Trey's CML Blog - Stopping - The Odds - Stop Studies - Discussion Forum Cessation Study
Big PhRMA - Medicare Status - Social Security Status - Deficit/Debt
Posted 08 April 2016 - 09:22 AM
missjoy, ideally all labs would test and report PCR BCR-ABL to MR5 I.S. .001; it then would require a two log increase to lose MMR ( defined as relapse);
if you had a very low PCR reading for a long enough time, the odds of successfully stopping TKI could be in your favor.
Scuba has tried it, beginning with an MD Anderson PCR reading of .01, which they allege to be equivalent to I.S. .003
(MD Anderson has their own scale)
My levels were less than 0.01 (M.D. Anderson scale) and I remained below this level for six months (two testing cycles) before attempting cessation. I was able to stay off Sprycel (20mg) for nine months before re-starting. Although I didn't have to restart, the fact my PCR went above 0.01 and went as high as 0.08 suggested to me that CML was slowly growing back although not in a straight line increase. I maintained zero blasts during this time (see vitamin D thread) which led my oncologist to suggest I keep going (i.e. with cessation) to see if my levels would drop back naturally (indicating a renewed immune response). I was still below the MMR threshold (0.28 M.D. Anderson scale). But, I decided to resume my 20mg sprycel to test that indeed my PCR would drop back.
And It did - quickly.
After just two months, my levels went below 0.01% again where it remains currently. I will try cessation again - but probably one month on and one month off. Or maybe just not take the drug during the summer so I can tan better. I feel I can go months without TKI before a measurable increase occurs.
I have a theory that continued TKI use suppresses the blood making system (including stem cells) - more for some patients than others, but definitely suppresses mine. When stopping a TKI, perhaps more leukemic stem cells come out of hibernation and begin to divide re-populate the CML cell line - then by re-starting my TKI they (dividing LSC's) get nailed. Maybe this can accelerate the LSC depletion? Just a wild guess on my part, but seems reasonable. Any way, a day without a TKI is a great day. I was intrigued how quickly my PCR dropped back below 0.01% after re-start on my low dose Sprycel.
Diagnosed 11 May 2011 (100% FiSH, 155% PCR)
with b2a2 BCR-ABL fusion transcript coding for the 210kDa BCR-ABL protein
Sprycel: 20 mg per day - taken at lights out with Quercetin and/or Magnesium Taurate
6-8 grams Curcumin C3 complex.
2015 PCR: < 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)
2016 PCR: < 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)
March 2017 PCR: 0.01% (M.D. Anderson scale)
June 2017 PCR: "undetected"
September 2017 PCR: "undetected"
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