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Excitement at new cancer treatment

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#1 r06ue1


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Posted 08 March 2016 - 02:45 PM


"[The patients] were really at the end of the line in terms of treatment options and yet a single dose of this therapy put more than ninety percent of these patients in complete remission where we can't detect any of these leukaemia cells."

But one cancer expert told me they still felt in the dark on the full significance of the study, as the data is not available.

Also seven of the patients developed cytokine release syndrome so severe that they required intensive care, and a further two patients died.




They only mention ALL by name but I wonder if this works for other leukemia's also?  Could potentially be a better option for Blast Crisis patients over a BMT/SCT.  


Apologies if this has already been discussed.

08/2015 Initial PCR: 66.392%

12/2015 PCR: 1.573%

03/2016 PCR: 0.153%

06/2016 PCR: 0.070%

09/2016 PCR: 0.052%

12/2016 PCR: 0.036%

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Taking Imatinib 400 mg

#2 thatguy


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 08:59 PM

Awesome, that is very cool..
3/25/2015- Dx'ed by FISH : 85% of cells dual-fusion signals, 7% with tri-fusion signals, WBC 212,000. Started Gleevec 400mg.... Calculated .93 SOKAL

08/17/2015- 14.793 % I.S P210 (quest)
10/15/2015- 3.313 % I.S (quest)
12/23/2015- 1.891 % I.S (quest)
1/07/2016- Tasigna 300mg 2x daily
1/14/2016- 4.414 % I.S P210- City Of Hope lab, mutation negative.
1/26/2016- 1.589 % I.S (quest)
2/22/2016- 1.719 % I.S (quest)
2/29/2016- 1.133 % I.S (quest)
3/03/2016- Tasigna 400mg 2x daily.
3/29/2016- 0.663 % I.S (quest)
4/27/2016- 0.781 % I.S (quest)
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5/24/2016- 0.501 % I.S (quest)
6/28/2016-0.534 % I.S (quest)
7/15/2016-0.881 % I.S (quest)
7/22/2016- Bosulif 500mg
7/28/2016- t315i test- Negative
8/22/2016-0.432 % I.S (quest )
11/15/2016-0.325 % I.S (quest)
2/1/2017- .0445% i.s (genoptix)
5/6/2017- .0968% i.s (genoptix)
5/12/2017- .12 % i.s (quest).
6/4/2017- .083% i.s (quest)
6/11/2017- .0295% i.s (genoptix)
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#3 R0f03l


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Posted 18 March 2016 - 09:34 PM

Only speculation nothing concrete still much so that it arrives in Brazil, maybe there is something posível, then I'm hopeless in Brazil due to a crap organ that bar all called ANVISA that prevents healing and many people.

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