Cancer Patients Arrested for Protesting TPP's Big Pharma-Favoring Provisions
[Requiring] every signatory country to ensure its domestic laws expand drug companies' monopoly powers, leading consumers and healthcare providers to pay higher prices on more drugs for longer - or go without needed treatment. TPP rules would require countries to enact and maintain laws that expand drug companies' monopoly powers...
The TPP would require each signatory nation to include in its domestic laws granting of new 20-year patent monopoly for new uses of old medicines...
The TPP requires developing nations to transition to all of the same pro-monopolistic patent rules that apply to developed nations...
The TPP also would allow drug companies to privately enforce this public treaty by skirting US laws and courts to challenge federal, state and local decisions and policies on grounds not available in US law and do so before extrajudicial investor-state tribunals authorized to order payment of unlimited sums of taxpayer dollars.