I had my three month appointment yesterday and asked about AML and told my Oncologist what happened to Audrey. He said that it was very unusual for two people in the same household to get the same type of cancer (one CML, one AML) and that they should look at the water that they drink (benzene?). I've always been one to believe that our environment (polluting our air, water and soil) and what we are doing to it is causing a lot more of the diseases we are seeing. Anyways, when my Oncologist mentioned water, it reminded me of something I had read about five years ago.
Not to far from where I live, perhaps 25 miles, a housing community was built there in the 50's. After many years the residents discovered an unusually large number of people were being diagnosed with cancer. After many, many years (I think it was actually three decades), the EPA discovered the source: At some point in the past, perhaps the 30's, that site had once housed a chemical dump. The containers which held the chemicals had began to leak over time and cancer-causing toxins were emerging from the ground. The EPA cleaned it up about five years ago, pulling hundreds of 55 gallon drums of toxic chemicals from the ground in the area. How many people died of cancer due dump over the many decades of living there? How many more homes are built on toxic chemical dump sites in America?
Another site not far from my home, was also once a dump and is now a soccer field for kids. This is something I know from growing up in the area.
Scary isn't it?