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Splinter hemmorhages (under the fingernail)

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#1 tiredblood


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 09:43 PM

Anyone on here ever have splinter hemorrhages under your fingernails since being on TKI therapy?

#2 Red Cross Kirk

Red Cross Kirk

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Posted 13 August 2015 - 09:53 AM

I have them. Just checked and I see two little ones.  Also, there are about a hundred very, very tiny blood blisters on my palms and the sides of my fingers at any given time.  It seems they have about a three week lifespan, progressing from the formation of a red dot, then turning black until it comes to the surface and wears away.  My doc says he's seen it before, only much worse than mine. They don't hurt and are barely noticeable. It's just weird.



9/25/2012  p210 transcript 118.7% IS @ Dx, begin Gleevec 400mg/day
12/2012  3.59% & bone marrow biopsy - no residual myeloproliferative features but detected 1/20 metaphases containing the Philadelphia chromosome
2013  0.914%, 0.434%, 0.412%
10/2013  0.360% & bone marrow biopsy - normal male karyotype with no evidence of a clonal cytogenetic abnormaltiy
2014  0.174%, 0.088%, 0.064%

2015  0.049%, decrease to Gleevec 200mg/day, 0.035%, 0.061%, 0.028%

2016  0.041%, 0.039%, 0.025%

2017  0.029%, 0.039%, switched to generic imatinib 200mg/day, 0.070%, 0.088%

2018  0.233%

#3 tiredblood


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Posted 18 August 2015 - 07:21 PM

Weird stuff happens on these TKIs.  I've had a few splinter hemorrhages, usually only one or two at a time (without having injured my finger).  I haven't had the blood blisters.  I do have two hyper-pigmented areas; on one finger and the other on my palm just under the thumb, both similar in appearance, but different.


Crazy drug!!!!

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